18 263 Days in Medecine
The two colour portraits of Dr. Chantal Beaudet and Dr. Mireille Lajoie were taken in 2017 by the artist during interviews conducted at the respective homes of the participants. Each of the four images that make up the sequence is accompanied by a quote from interviews given to the artist or to journalists at the time. These different signs denote a commitment to a practice that left little room for women at the time and that they themselves helped to transform.
Public art project, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2017
The work was commissioned by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMSS) of the Université de Sherbrooke, on its 50th anniversary.
18,263 Days in Medicine evokes the journey of students from the first cohort of the Université de Sherbrooke's Faculty of Medicine. Having begun their studies in 1966, they were finishing – or had just finished – their careers when the work was produced. A double trajectory of fifty years can thus be seen through the sequence of photographic images. Composed of two black and white images taken from the FMSS archives, the work shows the four female students of the 1966 cohort and two male colleagues, as well as Madeleine Côté, the first director general of the Clinique universitaire de Sherbrooke (future CHUS), on the day of the faculty's inauguration.